Saturday, July 10, 2010

London Diary - Chennai to London, 04 July 2010

This travel turned out to be "just another travel" between Chennai and London and I'm glad it was this way. Here's how I recount the events of my travel to London.

It was a morning flight but my day began even early. Woke at 2:45, added 5 minutes to the snoozer and finally got myself up to get ready. The cab guy arrived with no delay. Since all packing was done last night, just had to bid a bye to my folks at home. Quarter stayed overnight and came along with me to the airport.

I had a heavy hand baggage (including laptop) and was skeptical about it but the guy across the counter gazed at it and let me go. Thanks Mr. "Across the counter guy"! Nothing special about the low-grade Chennai to Muscat flight. Surprisingly, they played a tamil movie, I mean I didn't expect this from Oman Air atleast. Watched the "Tamizh Padam" and it surprised me too. Infact I found it extremely hilarious the first hour or so, then it got a little boring, so took a quick nap. Had a 4 hour transit in Muscat. Rushed out of the plane like the rest of them, only to realise that I left my copy of "The Tipping Point" in the plane itself. Cursed myself for it, cos I just had another 50 pages to complete. Dammit, will have to buy the book again. And what's this thing about people rushing out of the flight when it stops, no-one's gonna miss their next flight or their ride back home. Hope people learn to show more patience (including me).

Happened to meet a guy from my plane at the Muscat airport who was travelling to London as well. He was travelling to London to pursue his higher studies in animation. He gave up his IT  job to realise his dream in animation. Another guy from the same flight too tagged along. He was on his way to Paris to pursue a 1 year programme on International Business. Amazingly, he just knows the ABC of French and was on his way to complete a course on International Business in French. Now that's what we call "confidence". Whether it's a foolish confidence, time will unwrap.

Munched a late breakfast, bought a calling card, made a couple of calls to India, Couple of calls to UK to inform the manager and landlord about my arrival, and tried calling Ranjay countless times, but in vain. Made 2 wrong number calls to Shema and gave up. By now boarding announcements for my Muscat-London flight had begun, and we guys went along.

This time my partner was a young brit girl, guys I know you are cursing me, but then don't worry. She was too loud, I mean really loud,embarrasingly loud!! Wished her a Hi, and her reply "Hi" would have been heard ten rows behind ! Looked around if anyone did indeed hear that, all seemed busy loading their cabin baggages. Good for me. By now, I gave up the idea of striking a conversation and left me to myself . (I'm sure you guys must be gloating with a wicked grin now!). Later I noticed these Brits are generally loud people which I got used to a few days later. Ate loads of flight food, watched 3 movies during this 7 hour journey. ("500 days of Summer", "2012" and "Hurt Locker"). Surprisingly I did not take a nap in this leg at all.

The flight was 30 minutes early and went around the bright London skies for a while before landing. Immigration was peaceful with no questions. Then came the medical check-up; luckily I followed my company's travel team's suggestion to carry a chest X-Ray along with a medical report. That saved me an hour atleast. Here's a tip for all guys travelling to UK on a work permit - Carry a chest X-Ray along with a medical report saying everything's fine and the airport authorities would let you out with no fuss. The Heathrow exit I thought was little confusing with many exits, but my manager spotted me easily. He had also booked a "sardar" taxi for me. Guess what, this was a Merc and the first Merc I've travelled in my life. So here's London welcoming me with a Merc, great I love this place ! Reached home after a 15 min drive and checked my room.

Rest will follow in my first week summary. Keep reading !

1 comment:

Karthikeyan.L said...

Dude...that was nice the way ur narrated ur blog...really true as u said...i raised my eyebrow when u uttered about the brit girl....somewhere macham macha unaku....further i am in deep jealous that u travelled by a Merc...ohhhhhhh :)